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The Dynamic Yoga Training Method

Dynamic Yoga is a unique training and practice method that works for anyone, no matter what their physical abilities or experience may be. This is because it is based directly on the design and nature of the human body and its intrinsic relationship to mind and spirit. Developed over many years of deep enquiry by Yoga Master Godfridev , its methodology acceses, supports and reinforces the deep impulse of the human body to act with integrity from its own intelligence. It uses the Dynamics Of Integrity to express and reinforce that intelligence and Integrity until reintegration (yoga) has taken place.

Yoga begins as a process of integration by establishing action on the basis of the functional integrity that results from the Dynamics of Integrity. Through repeated application of the Seven Universal Actions of Yoga Posture Practice neuromuscular pathways of integrity are established which return the body to Structural Integrity. This necessitates the unification of body, mind and awareness in attentive action distributed throughout the whole body: esoterically known as Sarvangabandha. This is established through the application of the Spiral Dynamic of Integrity that engages the bandhas in the whole body in simultaneous functional and energetic integration.

Dynamic Yoga is a a complete and potent Training Method that quietens the mind and internalises awareness as it progressively recalibrates the whole bodimind. Using movement to develop neuromuscualr pathways of integrity, and as the indispensable preparation for stillness in a sequence of progressive Vinyasa Training Series it awakens, sensitises, opens and integrates the whole bodimind somatically. This psychosomatic re-education gradually but powerfully releases body and mind from distorting accumulations of lifetimes, and invites the harmonised intelligence of body and mind to reflect the radiant intelligence of consciousness freely and fully.

learn to practice dynamic yoga on retreat